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Cinder is the story of the fire-breathing skeleton haunting the land of Nod.


Cinder has not always inhabited this feeble form. This shell once belonged to another. Another who originally caused the exile to Nod. The brother of Nod himself.


Many creatures have been damned to walk the unholy hills of Nod. One notable group of creatures are the greygols or "nodlings".


Nodlings are the offspring of the outcast, the eternal children of Nod. They bear the mark of the brother of Nod.


Nodlings are rather unremarkable creatures who hold few other passions above pumpkin-crafting. They are simple and seldom without smile. They are not a violent folk, and as such their numbers are small and ever-threatened.


Such creatures cannot withstand the weight of Nod alone.


The greygols were once great warriors. Unrecognizable in every way from their current form. Some had wings, others had scales, even few had no form at all.


Rather the greygols are warriors reformed. Unable to die, they are remade into a simpler creature. There is no creation of life in Nod, only what is transmuted from one form to another. Loss is the only lot of Nod. Entropy the only wager.


Cinder is no exception. Cinder once inhabited a form carved from the cosmos themselves. Struck down in the third cataclysm, Cinder's soul plummeted from the expanse over Nod. latching on to the only vessel suitable of such a might: the bones of the brother.


The mark of the brother allows Cinder to possess this crude form with an overqualified ability. A behemoth of blight confined to a finger puppet.


CINDER© 2024 Zan Miller


©2024 Zan Miller

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