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Author's note:

While Drähte may be the most incomplete of any of my comic book ventures, I actually did finish a rather exhaustive rough draft for the first issue and beyond. I actually had an ending planned for this story. Learning to plan out my story was perhaps the biggest takeaway from this exercise, and also the reason I never ventured past 4 pages of linework. That, and my compulsion to add a self-defeating amount of detail to any page.

This story was about trafficking. It involved children. I bit off way more than I could (or should) chew. I wanted a sinister premise for my characters to prevail against, but the subject matter was too heavy for me to stick with. Adding absurd amounts of detail to each page only made the journey that much more taxing. I felt a story with such a weighty premise deserved to be rendered in the highest detail for maximum impact and respect for the real world issue.

Interestingly enough, the location for this first issue was a dilapidated library.

This was also where I first had the idea for a text-free story, which I have brought to reality with Cinder.

I tapped out on this one, and shifted my attention to making more stand-alone pieces that I still sell to this day at local stores and markets.

This was a bit of a lesson I re-learned while making Cinder, in that too much detail can be an obstacle to progress, and I have a finite amount of time to create anything. Everything in moderation.


Character Studies

Drähte is a journey into the land of sequential, in-depth story telling.

Medium: paper, pencil, ink, sharpie

2016 - ???

Last updated: 8-10-16


©2024 Zan Miller

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