​​​​You are Lyx the bubblegum alchemist from Western Nod.
You may or may not be a goblin.
Our adventurer's profession is:
Proficient in Craft (Alchemy) for your talent in crafting bubblegum with magical properties, your creations capable of granting temporary buffs or causing unusual effects when chewed.
Enchanted bow + arrow
Shoes that grant invisibility from the waist down at random while indoors
Magical spell tome
Sentient, yodeling flask of temporary financial wisdom
Large wooden "Bonky McGee" hammer
Bag of plain marbles
The candy factory
As the autumn harvest season draws to a close, the candy factory gears up for its final day of operation. Bittersweet croaks of goodbye fill the air as goblins rush to finish their last batches of sweets before the factory shuts its doors for the winter and potentially for good.
Looming tariffs threaten to force the closure of the beloved factory, leaving its workers uncertain about the future.
The Queen's over-reaching hand is no doubt behind this.
With an unusually heavy heart, you wander down the hill to the forked path next to the rotting river bridge.
A sense of feeling lost fills your bones as you ponder the choices in front of you.
Visit the goblin market
Head east to find ingredients and friends
Join a passing circus caravan
Our adventurer's new direction is:
The sleeping town
Leaving the candy factory on the final day of the autumn harvest, you cross the rotting river bridge and wander down the dirt path on the opposite side of the river. After walking for a few miles, you notice a peculiar sight—a deer lying in the middle of the path, unperturbed by your presence. Curious, you approach, but the deer does not react. Not even to your touch. The deer is breathing yet unresponsive.
You look around and find no other goblins from your factory in sight. All have taken separate paths and have long vanished by now. You do notice another deer asleep deeper in the woods, and before long you are following a trail of slumbering creatures until you come across a small wood goblin village tucked into the treeline.
You walk past the sleeping guards and squeeze through the open gate. You find the whole town seemingly asleep. As if they had all fallen asleep at the same time in the middle of their daily chores.
A group of sleeping goblins at the far end of the village catches your interest. They all have backpacks on stuffed with various flowers and are lying face down at the edge of town. Each one of them has on their person a very crudely drawn map of sorts. As you study and compare each map you notice differences between them. It seems there are two separate maps among this group.
Driven by curiosity, you contemplate your next move:
Follow the maps
Loot the sleeping goblins
Use your herbology skills to search for a possible clue
Our adventurer's new direction is:
Crossing paths
As you leave the edge of the slumbering town and venture deeper into the forest, you notice the paths on the maps occasionally intersect, guiding you through thick underbrush and past ancient, gnarled trees. Strange, glowing fungi light your way as the forest grows darker. Following the maps, you find yourself at a fork in the path, where the two maps diverge. One path leads to a clearing filled with bioluminescent plants, and the other winds deeper into the forest, towards a mysterious, shimmering cave entrance. You catch a glimpse of a creature scurrying into the cave dragging something behind it.
Driven by curiosity, you contemplate your next move:
Grab your Bonking hammer and enter the cave
Explore the glowing patches of plants for chewycharm ingredients
Our adventurer's new direction is:
Blue potatoes
As you grip your bonking hammer and enter the shimmering cave, the air grows colder, and an eerie silence envelops you. The cave walls glimmer faintly, casting an otherworldly glow on your path. Deeper inside, you hear faint, labored breathing and the soft scraping of something heavy being dragged across the ground.
A monsterous creature with tar-like, glossy skin and distinctively crooked goblin ears leans over a makeshift alchemy table. They are stuffing a rucksack full of blue potatoes.
This creature is easily twice your height.
And naked.
Driven by curiosity, you contemplate your next move:
Sneak up behind the creature and attack their legs with your hammer
Stick to the shadows and observe the creature
Sneak up behind the creature then yell BOO!
Our adventurer's new direction is:
Soggy sacks
As you observe the towering creature, you stick to the shadows making sure not to make a sound. Goblins are natural sneakers after all. The creature loads up the blue potatoes into a sack then reaches for a mortar and pestle on a nearby bench. The creature takes a handful or purple, glowing herbs from a container and grinds them up in the mortar before sprinkling the ground up herbs into the sack.
The creature ties off the sack and places it in a bucket beneath a steadily dripping stalactite in the corner of the cave. You notice several other stalactites with buckets underneath them, collecting water. They all have soggy sacks inside them. They have a dull, purple glow to them.
The creature grabs one of the soggy sacks, which is easily twice your size, and lumbers out of the cave with it towards the town. They leave a rancid fart lingering in the cave entrance. Ooof. Your eyes sting a bit. -1 perception
Driven by curiosity, you contemplate your next move:
Follow the naked creature at a safe distance
*Now is the time to strike with your hammer!
Take a closer look at the alchemy table and soggy sacks
Our adventurer's new direction is:
A curious gobbo
You approach the alchemist table against the far wall of the cave. You see bottles and jars full of mysterious liquids and herbs. A couple ingredients you recognize such as slumberleaf and gloomberry. The rest are foreign to you.
Slumberleaf is a prickly red plant can easily put a goblin to sleep for several hours or even days if mixed with the right medium.
Gloomberries, if taken in small yet consistent doses, can slowly untether ones mind and make them more susceptible to persuasion. Gloomberries have a dull blue hue to them.
At the opposite end of the alchemy table is a sizable wooden box filled with soil. A tall, twisting plant reaches up out of the box and tickles the roof of the cave. It sprouts deep purple, gnarled fruits that give off a foul odor to your keen goblin nose. You poke your long goblin fingers in the soil and find withered remains of slumberleaf and gloomberries deep in the soil. Your fingers sting slightly from the soil.
You turn your attention to the potato bags soaking beneath the stalactites. You open a bag and pull out a potato.
The potato has a sweet aroma to it. It has curled protrusions poking through the skin and has a dull purple glow to it.
Driven by curiosity, you contemplate your next move:
Take a bite of the potato
Go see what the creature is doing
(CHEWEYCHARMER): Create a piece of bubblegum from the ingredients on the table
Our adventurer's new direction is:
A fistful of taffy
You begin fashioning the familiar ingredients into a potent piece of bubblegum. Your time at the candy factory has not left you short of inspiration.
You mash several herbs from the alchemy table with a fistful of taffy from your hip pouch. Candy is always within reach for Lyx. You take your large wooden hammer and pulverize the piece of gum until it resists your hammer, nearly tossing it from your grasp.
This piece of gum has turned out curiously square with a wonderful twisting hue of turquoise and cerulean.
As you admire your handiwork, you notice something shimmering just beyond your vision. You peer into the darkness and feel the darkness peering into you.
8 shimmering orbs swirl across the cave ceiling. You take a step back. They take a step forward.
Suddenly, a flash of orange rockets by your head, landing with a wet thud behind you. The cave darkens.
You turn around to see a thick, orange web stretching from corner to corner of the cave entrance.
You turn around to stare your attacker in the eyes, as 8 scrawny legs poke out of the darkness.
Perhaps boisterously pulverizing the ingredients with your hammer wasn't the best idea... but no time to ponder that now!
An orange, cave-dwelling, goblin-gulping spider lunges at you!
Fueled with adrenaline, you act:
*|SURVEY:Grab your hammer and swing!|*
*|SURVEY:Spill your marbles?!|*
*|SURVEY:Pop your new bubblegum creation in your mouth and see what happens|*
CINDER© 2024 Zan Miller